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 1. Lee Rosen  A Marriage Counselor Goes To Marriage Counseling  Stay Happily Married 
 2. Scott Owens  Marriage Counseling  Fully Alive - Teaching 
 3. Bryan Loritts  2008.09.07 6. Marriage: This Marriage Thing Ain't Workin'...What Would Jesus Say?  The Big Ten 
 4. Timothy J. Keller  Marriage Series - 02 - Overview: Marriage as Commitment  Marriage Series 
 5. Timothy J. Keller  Marriage Series - 01 - Marriage As Ministry Power  Marriage Series 
 6. Carl Moore  Counseling the Deaf  Tulsa ISWW 2008 
 7. Jay E. Adams  Need for Homework in Counseling  Christian Counseling 
 8. Andy Brownback  Trauma Counseling (11)  Andy Brownback's Album 
 9. Robert Cheong  Counseling In The Church  Acts 29 Regional Conference 
 10. Andy Brownback  Trauma Counseling (22)  Andy Brownback's Album 
 11. Andy Brownback  Trauma Counseling (22)  Andy Brownback's Album 
 12. DCComics Podcast  The Last Crisis Counseling Panel  NYC Comic-Con 2006 
 13. Dan Bobinski  Importance of Employee Counseling  JobDig 
 14. Dr. Taunya Tinsley  CAS072 - Sports Counseling  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 15. Dr. Nancy Taylor  CAS074 - Forgiveness in Counseling  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 16. Wayne Johnston  A New Testament Description of Biblical Counseling  The Theology of Counseling 
 17. Dr. Jean Peterson  CAS067 - Counseling the Gifted Child  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 18. Karen Konopik-Bishop, MS  CAS061 - Middle School Counseling  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 19. Science Progress  Barbara Bernhardt on Genetic Counseling  Science Progress Interviews 
 20. Bob Hoekstra  Study #09 - Equipped for Counseling Ministry Eph. 4:11-12  www.firefighters.org 
 21. Science Progress  Barbara Bernhardt on Genetic Counseling  Science Progress Interviews 
 22. Dr. Peggy Whiting  CAS068 - Grief Counseling and Crisis Response  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 23. Dr. Clarrice Rapisarda  CAS002 - Bilingual Counseling w/ Dr. Clarrice Rapisarda  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 24. Dr. James Lenze and Lloyd Onyett, M.A.  CAS086 - Applications of Second Life to Education and Counseling  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 25. Dr. Jane Bissler  CAS012 - Grief Counseling w/ Dr. Jane Bissler  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 26. Dr. Wade Hannon  CAS048 – The Person Centered Approach in Counseling  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 27. Dr. Peggy Whiting  CAS068 - Grief Counseling and Crisis Response  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 28. baronseries  5 Tips for Evaluating Credit Counseling Services  The Baron Series 
 29. Dr. Paul Granello  CAS037 - Including Wellness in Counseling w/ Dr. Paul Granello  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 30. Dr. Paul Granello  CAS037 - Including Wellness in Counseling w/ Dr. Paul Granello  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
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